Document # 517 last updated 9/17/93 WINDOWS 3.1 with 386MAX, QEMM or EMM386 and DTC SCSI Controllers ================================================================ ================================================================ Before installing Windows 3.1, you will need to load the DTC ASPI Manager driver, (ASPI3X70.SYS, ASPI3X80.SYS, ASPI3X90.SYS or ASPI3X92.SYS) in CONFIG.SYS. When installing Windows 3.1 with a DTC3X90AS or DTC3X92AS, the Windows setup procedure will add the following line to CONFIG.SYS: DEVICE=C:\WINDOWS\SMARTDRV.EXE /DOUBLE_BUFFER You will NOT need this line in CONFIG.SYS because the DTC ASPI Manager sets up the double-buffering for Windows. For the DTC3X90 and DTC3X92, you will need to add a /Q right after the ASPI Manager driver as this option will allow for better memory management of the ASPI driver in extended memory and enable double-buffering. 32-BIT DISK ACCESS ================== 32-Bit disk access will only work with controllers which are WD1003 compatible. DTC SCSI controllers are NOT WD1003 compatible and therefore will NOT work with 32Bit Disk Access. Have this option turned OFF in Windows 3.1. LOADING DTC DRIVERS INTO HIGH MEMORY ==================================== DO NOT LOAD ASPI3X90.SYS or ASPI3X92.SYS high with the Load-High option of your memory manager. You can load ASPI3X70.SYS and ASPI3X80.SYS high as well as the other DTC drivers like ASCSI.SYS or ADTC-CD.SYS with the load-high option of your memory manager. SOFTWARE CACHING PROGRAMS ========================= Generally speaking, the DTC3290 caching controller requires no additional software caching program like SMARTDRV.EXE to operate. In fact, some software caching programs will slow down controller performance. For the other non-caching DTC SCSI controllers, a software caching program will enhance disk performance. MEMORY MANAGER OPTIMIZATION PROGRAMS ==================================== Some memory managers include a memory optimization program (386MAX has a program called MAXIMIZE). For the DTC EISA SCSI controllers, sometimes it may be necessary to remark out the DEVICE=DTC3X9?.SYS line in CONFIG.SYS before you run the optimize program. TROUBLE-SHOOTING TIPS ===================== If your system hangs when trying to load a specific memory manager, try the following: * Disable Video Shadow RAM in system CMOS * Disable BIOS Shadow RAM in system CMOS The following CONFIG.SYS files are examples which we have tested with Windows 3.1 and the Memory Managers listed above. You may still need to fine tune your CONFIG.SYS file for your particular system configuration. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sample CONFIG.SYS file for the DTC3280 and DTC3270 under DOS 5.0 and DOS 6.0 ( Replace ? with 8 for 3x80 or 7 for 3270 controller ) EMM386 DEVICE=C:\WINDOWS\HIMEM.SYS DOS=HIGH,UMB DEVICE=C:\WINDOWS\EMM386.EXE NOEMS DEVICEHIGH=C:\ASPI3X?0.SYS FILES=30 BUFFERS=20 STACKS=9,256 SHELL=C:\COMMAND.COM /P /E:512 QEMM 6.02 and QEMM 7.01 DEVICE=C:\QEMM\QEMM386.SYS RAM DOS=HIGH DEVICE=C:\QEMM\LOADHI.SYS /R:1 C:\ASPI3X?0.SYS FILES=30 BUFFERS=20 STACKS=9,256 SHELL=C:\COMMAND.COM /P /E:512 386MAX 6.02 DEVICE=386MAX.SYS PRO=386MAX.PRO NOSCSI DOS=HIGH DEVICE=386LOAD.SYS SIZE=xxxxx PRGREG=2 FLEXFRAME PROG=ASPI3X?0.SYS FILES=30 BUFFERS=20 STACKS=9,256 SHELL=C:\COMMAND.COM /P /E:512 386MAX 7.0 DEVICE=386MAX.SYS PRO=386MAX.PRO NOSCSI DOS=HIGH DEVICE=386LOAD.SYS SIZE=xxxxx PRGREG=2 FLEXFRAME PROG=ASPI3X?0.SYS FILES=30 BUFFERS=20 STACKS=9,256 SHELL=C:\COMMAND.COM /P /E:512 DEVICE=EXTRADOS.MAX PRO=EXTRADOS.PRO INSTALL=EXTRADOS.MAX When installing 386MAX software, let the installation process update the Windows' SYSTEM.INI file. It will add the following 2 lines to the SYSTEM.INI file: VCPIWarning=FALSE SystemROMBreakPoint=FALSE -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sample CONFIG.SYS files for the DTC3290 And DTC3292 under DOS 5.0 and DOS 6.0 ( Replace ? with 0 for 3290 or 2 for 3292 controller ) EMM386 DEVICE=C:\WINDOWS\HIMEM.SYS DEVICE=C:\WINDOWS\EMM386.EXE NOEMS DOS=HIGH,UMB DEVICE=C:\ASPI3X9?.SYS /Q FILES=30 BUFFERS=20 STACKS=9,256 SHELL=C:\COMMAND.COM /P /E:512 QEMM 6.02 DEVICE=C:\QEMM\QEMM386.SYS RAM DOS=HIGH DEVICE=C:\ASPI3X9?.SYS /Q FILES=30 BUFFERS=20 STACKS=9,256 SHELL=C:\COMMAND.COM /P /E:512 QEMM 7.01 - This version of QEMM does not work with the DTC 3290 or DTC 3292. You must order version 7.02 from QEMM. Sample CONFIG.SYS will look like QEMM 6.02 version. 386MAX 6.02 DEVICE=C:\386MAX\386MAX.SYS PRO=C:\386MAX\386MAX.PRO NOSCSI DOS=HIGH DEVICE=C:\ASPI3X9?.SYS /Q FILES=30 BUFFERS=20 STACKS=9,256 SHELL=C:\COMMAND.COM /P /E:512 386MAX 7.0 DEVICE=C:\386MAX\386MAX.SYS PRO=C:\386MAX\386MAX.PRO NOSCSI DOS=HIGH DEVICE=C:\ASPI3X9?.SYS /Q FILES=30 BUFFERS=20 STACKS=9,256 SHELL=C:\COMMAND.COM /P /E:512 DEVICE=C:\386MAX\EXTRADOS.MAX PRO=C:\386MAX\EXTRADOS.PRO INSTALL=C:\386MAX\EXTRADOS.MAX When installing 386MAX software, let the installation process update the Windows' SYSTEM.INI file. It will add the following 2 lines to the SYSTEM.INI file: VCPIWarning=FALSE SystemROMBreakPoint=FALSE You will need to add SET BUSMASTER=VDS in AUTOEXEC.BAT to tell 386MAX that the 3290 or 3292 has VDS support. NOTE- If installing 386MAX on an EISA motherboard using an AMI BIOS and you lose access to the floppy drive, then add the command NOEISADMA to the 386MAX.PRO file.